…then the world shifted

How do you write about an experience that goes well beyond words?  How do you convey the magnitude of what has changed inside you, when the vocabulary just isn’t there?

I have attempted this feat no less than five times and failed.  This is my sixth attempt and possibly my last.  If I cannot get the message across, just know that I have grown by leaps and bounds and changed for the better.


I’ve already posted about my crappy Friday, so I won’t bore you with that again.  I only bring it up so that you understand that I was VERY determined to make the weekend fantastic.

Saturday was great.  A day chock full of family stuff, but Sir and I were just connecting on a much higher level.  You know the one… just overly aware and in tune with each other.  Happy Sir, happy sub, happy minions.  Happy day.

Sunday began in much the same way. Connected and happy. We walked into Lowe’s for some paint and hardware, and the day took a nosedive.  The paint guy would not stop trying to flirt with me – I just wasn’t having it, Sir had gone to get the screws, and it was crowded. I was starting to get very anxious and just needed to leave, but everything was slow.  When Sir finally came back, I gave Him an attitude. He began to count quietly.  I am very aware of the wrath His numbers bring, but instead of checking myself, I may have said “Go ahead and count, I don’t care” and I may have hauled ass down the aisle and over to the next.  Sir continued to count, and followed me into the next aisle.  As He got closer, He told me to come to Him… I did. I didn’t want to ruin the day and I had begun to realize that my childish behavior was a mistake. We had a quick talk in the middle of Lowe’s – I apologized and we sealed it with a quick peck on the lips.  The rest of the day went swimmingly, the Lowe’s incident long forgotten by bedtime.  We took a long shower – we washed and played and washed again.  I was a happy girl – spent and content.  I crawled into bed, laid my head on Sir’s chest, relaxed in my home, and prepared for the sweet dance into sleep.  We talked about nothing, Sir stroked my arm.

“Urrrrgggghhhhh, I have to take care of something first.”

I had no clue what was going on, I thought maybe He had to check the doors again or something. That was not the case. He straddled my back, pulled the top of my pants down…smack…ever so lightly. “You have 40 from the store.”  Shit.

***Let me pause right here to say that I have had PLENTY of punishment spankings (sadly), most with an implement and most VERY hard. Please keep that in mind.***

So…I’d gotten one, rather tame, spanking on my behind from Sir’s hand… and I LOST it. I cried.  I begged. I pleaded. I blubbered. I wailed. I begged and begged some more for Him to stop. He gave me ten during all of that. As soon as He said ten, he was beside me, asking why I was crying like that. Sir knew He was not spanking me hard, so He was sure it was not a physical pain. At first, I could not answer Him, I just continued blubbering and crying.  I had a hard time trying to grasp exactly why I was having a problem. Sir was patient, listened to me trying to explain that I just didn’t want them because I was so very sorry, but He didn’t budge.  He very calmly told me that I had earned them in the store and if He didn’t give them to me, it would mean nothing…His words would mean nothing. After a few minutes, I could breathe again and Sir gave me the remaining 30 swats.  “You don’t like those kind do you? Those aren’t the good kind, are they?”  “NO, Sir”

I cried tears that I have NEVER cried before.  Those tears were straight from my soul. That was the only punishment that has ever affected me in such a way. This is not to say that I have never been sorry for my behavior, or never thought about my transgressions during punishment spankings. I always hate disappointing Sir, but somehow it was different. (This is where it gets tricky to explain, sorry if I ramble)  I’m not entirely sure what was so different. Maybe it was the fact that I knew we would not be having sex after my punishment. Maybe it was because I knew Sir was not happy to have to give those spankings to me. Maybe it was because my Sir knew that I needed consistency, even if He’d rather just hold me. Maybe it was because I felt fucking horrible about the way that I’d acted and that I’d put my Husband in this position in the first place.  Maybe it was because I felt relieved that He was following through, despite my meltdown.  Maybe it was because all of a sudden everything just felt much more real. I’m still not able to pinpoint the how’s and why’s, but I know that during those long minutes, something inside of me changed. I felt it then and I still feel it now.  Whatever changed is permanent and it is so good. It kind of feels like that last bit of wall inside of me, that last bit that needed to hold on to just a little bit of power, was busted through and my submissive has completely taken over.  Everything I do, everything I think, everything I see, everything I say, everything I am… is all so very different, but still very much the same. The world shifted and I am just more … me.  We are more… we.

19 thoughts on “…then the world shifted

  1. Wow. Just Wow. This is about the heaviest mindset change I have read. I am speechless and totally understand why you couldn’t write about it. I think you were so upset because you had put your Sir in such a position and you knew how much it hurt him to administer it, The fact that he made himself go through with it in a way he knew you wouldn’t enjoy at all speaks VOLUMES for how much he cares for you. You can now trust him to a depth you might not have been able to before. Wow. Incredible.
    Btw- what is WITH those paint people?


  2. You know half of the battle internally is recognizing when you are slipping into that vanilla mindset and your brain is engaged in the anger or frustration, and you just can’t stop yourself. As if your slipping on a banana peel, but you actually did an amazing thing, you recognized your wrong doing and began to submit to him in the store. It’s a big step in itself to see that and be able to back down, and turn back on your submission. I just wanted to applaud you for that.

    As for that pivotal moment, hold on to that feeling you have, it’s a beautiful thing to feel that wall that we all held onto fearing to give all of ourselves begin to crumble and disappear. Congrats girl…so happy for you!


    • Thank you so much. You know, I didn’t even see that. The old me would have kept on going in the store, not seeing the damage I was doing or have the ability to stop. That was a moment in and of itself, thanks for pointing that out! 🙂


      • Your welcome…I only point that out because it was such a hard thing to learn after 20 years of marriage. And still today it sometimes takes me awhile to see it and pull back to my place. That vanilla thinking and anger can just take over.


      • I know it well…15 years of vanilla and hostile takeovers is very difficult to change. I still have trouble much of the time…my mouth has a mind of its own. :/


  3. Did you hear that audible click as things shifted? That’s really great girl, and congratulations too! I agree with My Sir’s Minx, in recognizing what was happening…and got right back into sub mode. I’m so impressed….with both of you!


  4. This was wonderful. I am so hapoy for you…truly. Without knowing how far you had to go, you’ve both been chipping away at a wall, blinded to its’ size. Then one day you knock out that last bit of wall and you’re amazed and awed and even overwhelmed because it seems so sudden when in fact it’s what you’ve been working towards all along. No one gets there by not doing anything, however. You both have tried to be consistent in your D/s. You reaped the reward of your hard work. None of us know when that moment will come. A life event…something someone says, who knows. Now the world has shifted and you have peace. So happy for you!


    • Elle, you hit it on the head exactly. I did not know I had a piece of wall still standing until it was just gone…and it was and is all of those things you said. Thank you very much for your always kind words and insight.


  5. Amazing! Your analogy is perfect. It is a wall. We build it up for years, protecting ourselves, sometimes FROM ourselves. We build it so we won’t feel. But the minute you step down this path, you have to tear it down, because the wall prevents your honest and complete submission. The wall protects you from being able to release your inhibitions, your darkest desires, your power …your soul. Shygirl, I’m beyond thrilled for you. I wish there was a “LOVE” button on this post!!!


    • Thank you. The craziest part is that I didn’t realize I still had a piece of that wall left…I was blindsided by the demolishing of it…and it changed something fundamental in me.


  6. Sorry, I am behind on my comments…
    I am so impressed. I had this same feelings when I got my first punishment spankings. I was crying and not able to really say why… Mad, Sad, Confused. Happy afterwards that he stuck to it.
    I will go look for old post and reblog it.. ITS A HUGE MOMENT!
    You’re doing a great job and high five your Sir for me!



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