friday bouquet

No flowers here. Just the loopys, which are WAY better than flowers!

I’ve been busy trying to get on top of the shop this week, which means everything else has taken a backseat. Why does that always happen? One of these days, I’ll learn to balance a little better. Until then, maybe Sir can whip me into shape. 😉

Happy Friday!


thinking [subtle] thursday

What a funny thing, when His Dominance overwhelms me in the most unexpected situations.

He doesn’t even know I’m watching:

Our new nephew is in His outstretched arms. The babe fits perfectly, head in Sir’s big, capable hands, body stretched on His forearms. Sir is talking to the baby, and babe calms watching Sir’s face.

Simple. Easy. A powerful scene, and so very sweet. The two so serene, lost in each other for a moment. As if Sir commands this child’s attention and will accept nothing less than peaceful contentment.

I watch from the side, feeling that same content but more…. Feeling owned, feeling extra subbie. His Dominance quietly radiates throughout the space. I don’t quite understand why this subtle interaction brings me to my figurative knees. But I do not dwell on it, I breathe and bask in the warm fuzzy feelings of a perfect moment.

Everything is clear.

I am so proud to be His (and thrilled that He is mine).

Happy Thursday💞
