maybe a light

Maybe there’s a light at the end of this tunnel. Found this today…


Who cares about victorious!? I’ll just be happy to be out of one of the mazes my life has become! Then I’ll be able to move onto the next… One trouble at a time, right?


I’m so tired of all of this, all of these topsy-turvy, unsettled things. Sometimes I want to throw in the towel. Hard. But most days, I just suck it up (or cry it out), and keep working.


Blessings and good things abound. I haven’t forgotten all that is happy and right! This too shall pass.


Sir’s got me, so I’ve got this. All of it. Even on the worst days, somewhere inside me I know… Everything will be just fine.



not the crazy


I don’t eat fortune cookies, though I do love the fortunes! I tore this one as I pulled it out, and was rather pleased with what it said.

Feeling triumphant and more than a little justified… I held it up for Sir to read, with a smug smile on my face.

“Seeeeeeeeeeee….” I said, so happy that the fortune cookie gods were on my page! (Sometimes a girl takes any validation she can get.)

Sir shook His head (hmpf!) and chuckled…

“Intuition, yes. Not the crazy stuff you make up in your head.”

I laughed. The kids laughed. It was pretty funny! It was also a little deflating, I must say. You see… I am a huge believer in gut instincts. There were a few major times in my younger life when I ignored those instincts and it turned out so badly. I learned my lesson the hardest of ways!!


And so it goes that ever since they were little, I have hammered into the children to take heed… If a little voice or a nagging feeling says something isn’t right, please listen your intuition!! So I fully believe in, support, and applaud intuition.


But… Sir is also correct. Sort of. In my brain, there is non-stop thinking and worrying, dissecting and over-analyzing. I admit that on occasion (oh stop laughing!), I am consumed with it all. The worst case scenario is usually my sleep stealer or my dream invader. I linger on words and on silence, blowing them up bigger than life.


So what then? What do I do? I try to balance the intuition with the runaway brain. It’s not always easy…or even possible… but I do try.

And I still wholeheartedly believe in the ability to…


If anyone has thoughts on this, lay ’em on me!
Happy Monday…at least it’s winding down.