just a little fussin’ about sleep

I’m not built for nights like these. Some folks can weather much more, I know. They can endure multiple nights, weeks, months, years apart… but not me. (Remember yesterday? we ought not compare.) This shit isn’t in my wheelhouse.


The kids went back to school today. A bit of drama in the academic world of my offspring. Juggled and mostly handled. Papers filled out, supply Iists made. Mom to the rescue!


I have a giant list of my own to tackle…nothing difficult or out of the ordinary, but a long list of little things to get done before my girlfriend gets here tomorrow. You heard me! My girlfriend, my bestest friend, is coming to see me for just under a week!


I’m so very excited…But this day has really put a damper on my happy, which adds a whole other level of sad to this jacked up night.


Sir is working. I’m tired, I cannot sleep, and I must start the day in four hours! I’m lying here…awake…with a pounding head and leaky eyes (and a kitten sprawled across my face and boobs). I need my hair to be played with, my back to be tickled, my mind to be soothed. I need a hug, dammit!


Until my Sir arrives home safely, I cannot function or rest. Without sleep, tomorrow isn’t looking good on the functioning front, either. Balls.


Happy new school year! Looks like we like to start on a down note… Perhaps things will look up from here.

